Home Courses Physics Kinematics and Dynamics of Rotational Motion about a Fixed Axis

Kinematics and Dynamics of Rotational Motion about a Fixed Axis


If learning the truth is a scientific’s goal, then he must make himself the enemy of all that he reads.

-Alhazen Ibn al-Haytham

Rotational motion is a fundamental concept in physics that describes how objects rotate around a specific axis. Understanding rotational motion involves both kinematics (the description of motion without considering its causes) and dynamics (the study of forces and torques that cause rotational motion). Rotational motion is everywhere: from the spinning of the Earth to the wheels of a car, and even to the tiny particles in atomic structures. For students and young professionals aged 20-30, grasping this topic can offer insights into a range of scientific and engineering applications.

Understanding Rotational Motion: Basic Concepts

Rotational motion occurs when an object spins around a fixed axis. Unlike linear motion, where an object moves along a straight path, rotational motion involves the entire body rotating around a central point. To describe this type of motion, we need to define a few fundamental quantities: angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. Additionally, we must understand the forces (torques) that cause objects to rotate.

Key Rotational Quantities: Describing Rotational Motion

1. Angular Displacement (\( \theta )\): How Far Has It Rotated?

Angular displacement is a measure of the angle through which an object rotates around a fixed axis. It is the rotational analog of linear displacement. Angular displacement is measured in radians \(rad\), where one full revolution is equal to \(2\pi\) radians or 360 degrees.

Consider the hands of a clock. If the minute hand moves from the 12 to the 3, it covers a quarter of a circle. The angular displacement of the minute hand in this case is:

\theta = \frac{1}{4} \times 2\pi = \frac{\pi}{2} \, \text{radians}

This example demonstrates how angular displacement measures how far an object has rotated from its initial position.

2. Angular Velocity (\( \omega )\): How Fast Is It Rotating?

Angular velocity represents how quickly an object is rotating. It is defined as the rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time. Angular velocity is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction. It is typically measured in radians per second \(rad/s\).

Mathematically, angular velocity is given by:

\omega = \frac{d\theta}{dt}


  • \(\omega\) is the angular velocity,
  • \(d\theta\) is the infinitesimal change in angular displacement,
  • \(dt\) is the infinitesimal change in time.

If a rotating disc completes a half-turn (i.e.,\ (\pi\) radians) in 2 seconds, its average angular velocity is:

\omega = \frac{\pi \, \text{rad}}{2 \, \text{s}} = \frac{\pi}{2} \, \text{rad/s}

This tells us that the disc is rotating at a rate of \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) radians per second.

3. Angular Acceleration (\( \alpha )\): How Is the Rotation Changing?

Angular acceleration describes how quickly the angular velocity of an object changes over time. It is the rotational counterpart to linear acceleration. Like angular velocity, angular acceleration is also a vector quantity and is typically measured in radians per second squared (rad/s²).

Mathematically, angular acceleration is defined as:

\alpha = \frac{d\omega}{dt}


  • \(\alpha\) is the angular acceleration,
  • \(d\omega\) is the infinitesimal change in angular velocity,
  • \(dt\) is the infinitesimal change in time.

Imagine a wheel that starts from rest and reaches an angular velocity of 4 rad/s in 2 seconds. The angular acceleration of the wheel can be calculated as:

\alpha = \frac{\Delta \omega}{\Delta t} = \frac{4 \, \text{rad/s} – 0 \, \text{rad/s}}{2 \, \text{s}} = 2 \, \text{rad/s}^2

This indicates that the wheel’s rotational speed increases by 2 rad/s every second.

Relating Linear and Rotational Quantities

Rotational motion is closely related to linear motion. In fact, many of the concepts of rotational motion can be understood as analogs of linear motion concepts. For an object rotating around a fixed axis at a distance (r) from the axis, the following relationships apply:

  • Linear Displacement (\( s )\): The distance traveled along the circular path is related to the angular displacement by ( s = r\theta ).
  • Linear Velocity (\( v )\): The linear speed along the circular path is related to angular velocity by \( v = r\omega \).
  • Linear Acceleration (\( a )\): The tangential acceleration is related to angular acceleration by \( a = r\alpha \).

These relationships help us connect the rotational motion of an object to the motion of any point on the object that is moving along a circular path.

Torque (\( \tau )\) and Rotational Dynamics: The Cause of Rotational Motion

To understand what causes rotational motion, we need to introduce the concept of torque. Torque is the rotational analog of force; it is what causes objects to rotate. Torque depends on two factors: the magnitude of the force applied and the distance from the point of rotation (lever arm).

Mathematically, torque is defined as:

\tau = r \times F \sin(\theta)


  • \(\tau\) is torque,
  • \(r\) is the lever arm (the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to where the force is applied),
  • \(F)\ is the applied force,
  • \(\theta\) is the angle between the force vector and the lever arm.

Consider a wrench turning a bolt. The longer the wrench, the easier it is to apply a rotational force (torque). If a force of 20 N is applied perpendicularly at a distance of 0.3 m from the center of the bolt, the torque is:

\tau = r \cdot F = 0.3 \, \text{m} \times 20 \, \text{N} = 6 \, \text{Nm}

This example shows how torque depends on both the magnitude of the force and the distance from the axis of rotation.

Rotational Equations of Motion

Rotational dynamics can be analyzed using equations similar to those used in linear motion, with torque playing a role analogous to force:

  1. Rotational Kinetic Energy:

Rotational kinetic energy (\( K_{\text{rot}} )\) of a rotating object is given by:

K_{\text{rot}} = \frac{1}{2} I \omega^2


  • \( I \) is the moment of inertia, a measure of an object’s resistance to change in rotational motion,
  • \( \omega \) is the angular velocity.
  1. Newton’s Second Law for Rotation:

The rotational equivalent of Newton’s second law is:

\tau = I \alpha


  • \( \tau \) is the net torque,
  • \( I \) is the moment of inertia,
  • \( \alpha \) is the angular acceleration.

If a disk with a moment of inertia \(I = 2 \, \text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2\) is subjected to a net torque of 8 Nm, the angular acceleration can be calculated as:

\alpha = \frac{\tau}{I} = \frac{8 \, \text{Nm}}{2 \, \text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^2} = 4 \, \text{rad/s}^2

This result shows how the disk’s rate of rotation changes due to the applied torque.

To grasp the concepts of rotational motion better, practice solving problems involving different rotational quantities and equations. Visualizing scenarios through diagrams or simulations can also help clarify the relationships between torque, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. Applying these concepts to real-world situations, such as analyzing the motion of a spinning wheel or a rotating planet, will deepen your understanding. Remember, rotational motion is not just a theoretical concept; it describes the dynamic movements of countless objects in our universe.


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